Vogue 2019
Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013)
By Grayson Perry (Chelmsford, 1960)
Pen and ink
« I entered university in 1979, the day Margaret Thatcher came to power. For me, as a young transvestite, she was a kind of muse. I liked her ladylike elegance, her varnished shoes and her pretty suits! Of course, she was the devil incarnate in politics, but I didn't want to express any distance : I like to think that people can misinterpret. »
Driven by strong ambition, Margaret Thatcher, a grocer's daughter, became the first woman to become Prime Minister in Great Britain. She was the only woman among the G7 heads of state and government at the dawn of the 1980s, and for eleven years she pursued an uncompromising policy, so much so that she was nicknamed the Iron Lady.