Manual scalpel cutting on 210g paper printing
61 x 75 cm
1983 Birth. 2004 " 1 support, 2 vies " ("1 support, 2 lives") : first solo exhibition, Paris Jeunes Talents (Paris).
Early 2000 Appearance, in the middle of the Internet wave, of the acronym ATAWAD: Any Time, AnyWhere, Any Device. This concept of hypermobility becomes a leitmotiv for RERO in its approach to creation and places. The artist can and must move. Nature, the gallery, the museum or the public space become a laboratory of experimentation, emancipated from the closed space of the studio.
2010 COPY MY RIGHT... Plagiarism is necessary, progress implies it..., exhibition at the Espace Confluences (Paris).
2014 Trip to Brazil as part of a collective exhibition, "Street Art - An Urban Panorama", at the Caixa Cultural de Rio. RERO falls under the spell of the country. Since then, he divides his life between Rio and Paris.2015 Official appearance on the Internet of the error code "ERROR 451", which notifies the Internet user that the requested web page is not accessible for legal reasons, thus highlighting the censorship protocols. The code refers to Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury's dystopia. RERO, which has exploited error 404 a lot in its work, is suddenly equipped with a new material.
Sans titre (Droit à l'oubli) (Untitled (Right to forget))
By Rero
"WE ARE ALL CHARLIE", this aphorism gave the opportunity, the day after the events, to all the citizens of the world to express their support, their compassion but also their willingness to fight for and in the name of freedom of expression alongside the twelve victims of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015. This massacre took the lives of twelve individuals who had the courage in their daily lives to live and express themselves freely: Ahmed Merabet, Bernard Maris, Cabu, Charb, Elsa Cayat, Franck Brinsolaro, Frédéric Boisseau, Honoré, Michel Renaud, Moustapha Ourrad, Tignous and Wolinski. Indeed, behind this common reaction in the aftermath of the attack and this need for unity to overcome the shock that had just been experienced, there are also human lives sacrificed in the name of freedom of expression. In the face of this massacre, and a year later, we all have the freedom to react individually, as we express the need to continue to live together freely, but only one obligation must be common to us: the duty to remember, and journalists are there to remind us of this in our daily lives. "I WILL NOT FORGET" This is the aphorism that I wanted to share with this headline from Libération one year later. It is this individual right or duty in the face of tragedy that I wanted to highlight by reinterpreting this front page. I did not wish to mask the sentimental and visual impact of the foreground, "WE ARE ALL CHARLIE" on a black background, which appeals to our consciousness and our collective memory. I wished to intervene in a more subliminal way, using a scalpel, by inscribing the repetition of the words "RIGHT TO FORGET..." erased with a thick line. To do so, I have notched our collective archive through this one twelve times as if to engrave or inscribe the names of the twelve victims in our collective and especially individual memory. In this way, the text in the foreground and the one I propose in the background are visually on the same plane to make them dialogue with our personal consciousness. »